Vertical Greening

Vertical greening can be defined as structures that allow vegetation to spread over a building facade or interior wall. By utilizing the nontraditional planting space, greenery area could be increased
Vertical greening provides aesthetic value, helps to cool down the room temperature by avoiding direct sunlight on the buildings, reduces noise pollution by absorbing the sound wave through the leaves and improves the air quality by biofiltration. The vertical green system frequently uses climbing plants, vines and drooping plants due to its inherent growing habits. The common vertical greening system could be classified into six types as below:
Some climbing plants, such as Parthenocissus spp., Ficus pumila, Ivy, Epipremnum aureum, possess specialized structures allowing them to attach on or climbing other objects. These plants have a vigorous climbing habit. Allowing them to grow freely on the wall is the ancient vertical greening method. For example, different types of Ivy were being used historically to provide greenery in building façades in European countries.
Vertical greening using climbing plants is one of the simplest methods and is highly cost effective. But it has a major disadvantage – these plants may leave some traces after sticking to the wall even after their removal. Sometimes these free-standing plants may even climb inside any crack or crevice in the wall, which can then cause structural damage.
Modular system
It is one of the common artificial vertical greening systems in the market. The modular system is formed by numerous tray and is normally included a built-in irrigation system. Normally it contains a structural framework and mostly made from steel and plastics. This system allows the pre-growing of plants before installation which may be one of the options for instant greening effect. The modular design also allows plant materials to be replaced and changed easier without the need to remove the whole greening wall. Because the structural support is provided by the system itself, the modular system normally allows the use of small shrubs creeping ground cover and flowering herbs. There are numerous choices for plant species.
Carrier/hanging system
It is formed by the hanging pots. It is adopted to increase the planting area apart from ground planters.
Cable wire system
By creating external support for the plants apart from the building facades, the cable wires themselves allow the climber species or self-clinging plants to grow on it
Some of the designs include more components such as rope, rod and mesh. Those components could be custom-made, connected and twisted in any directions to form various patterns. Such systems have high flexibility to be installed in various locations.
A modular trellis panel system
This system is formed by welded steel wire and panel. The panel system is keeping away from the wall surface so that the plant material cannot attach to the building. The modular trellis panel system is rigid than the cable wire system. Therefore it could be used as a free-standing green wall. It has a much later weight than a modular system and a hydroponic system. It allows three-dimensional uses and can span between structures. Pre-growth trellis is possible to provide an instant greening effect. Plant species are limited to climbers and twisted plants.
Hydroponic system
It is an artificial vertical greening system. The growing medium is not soil but liquid. The plants are grown and nurtured in the filtered solution containing sufficient nutrients. It usually acts as a bio-filter to enhance the air quality and controls room temperature. Because the system is soil-less, not all plant species are suitable for this system. Shrubs and herbs could be used in hydroponic vertical greening.
Point to note if you are looking for the vertical greening:
- proper vertical greening selection.
- proper plant selection.
- proper vertical greening design based on appeal and functions.
Professional vertical greening service from Tak Tai:
- Approved supplier of materials and specialist contractor for public works under the category “Landscaping (Class I) (Group II)” Public Works Landscaping. Tak Tai is also under the Housing Authority List of Soft Landscape Contractors (Group 2).
- A Structural assessment conducted by an authorized person (AP) and/or a registered structural engineer (RSE).
- Custom-made and practical landscaping design.
- Supplying high diversity of plants in high quality from Tak Tai owned nurseries.
- One-stop horticultural maintenance service.